Appointed sub-processors

The table below provides information regarding the sub-processors we use from time to time in connection with the performance of the OpenAthens service.

Person watching a webinar
Sub-processor Purpose Administrator PII End user PII Location
Google Cloud Platform The Google Cloud Platform is used to host all OpenAthens applications and data stores, apart from the exceptions listed below. Yes Yes UK and US Data Centers
Digital Ocean Cloud Provider The Digital Ocean platform is used to host the backup e-mail service used to send system e-mails to administrators (for example: account activation e-mails). E-mail addresses are temporarily stored in its logs. Yes Yes UK Data Center
Digital Ocean Cloud Provider The Digital Ocean platform is used to store some service data. No No Netherlands Data Center
VeloxServ VeloxServ provide hosting for the OpenAthens Managed Proxy Service in Europe. The Managed Proxy Service holds IP addresses of customer organisations. No No UK Data Center
Atlassian Status Page Provides information on the status of OpenAthens services and sends maintenance and incident notifications. Anyone can subscribe to notification alerts by providing an e-mail address or mobile phone number Yes (if registered) Yes (if registered) Amazon Web Service US Data Center
Mailjet Hosts the e-mail service to which sends system e-mails to administrators (for example: account activation e-mails). E-mail addresses are temporarily stored in its logs. Yes Yes Data Centers in Germany and Belgium