Day one session descriptions

The future of trust, access & identity in scholarly communications

Hylke Koers, Chief information officer, STM Solutions

OpenAthens celebrates 30 years

As OpenAthens turns 30, our Jisc CEO Heidi Fraser-Krauss recounts our key achievements in empowering and supporting our customers and celebrating their success.

Heidi Fraser-Krauss, CEO, Jisc

Misinformation, Disinformation, and Trust in Scholarly Communication: Challenges and Strategies

How do we discriminate between true, false, and misleading information in scholarly publishing? How do we decide which sources to trust and which ones to question – and how much implicit trust should we place in any source? As librarians, how do we balance the need to discriminate with the need to present a full spectrum of viewpoints? As editors or publishers, how do we negotiate the difference between legitimate minority views and faulty scholarship? This workshop will address these and related questions, suggesting both mindset adjustments and concrete strategies for consumers, publishers, and brokers of access to scholarly and scientific publications.

Rick Anderson, University librarian, Brigham Young University

OpenAthens Birthday quiz

Join our interactive 30th birthday quiz! No need to swot but listen carefully to today’s presentations as you’ll find some of the answers there.
Jon Bentley, Commercial director, OpenAthens

Discussion sessions

Join an interactive discussion group where you’ll get the chance to talk through any challenges, or ideas.
The purpose of the discussion groups is to encourage conversations around key topic areas, share experiences and any challenges or opportunities. Topics include:
Security and user privacy, Artificial Intelligence, Library data analytics and reporting, Impact of library budgets, User experience and accessibility, Community of practice: troubleshooting challenges for library customers, Vendor adoption and onboarding for new library customers, How to make full use of our product for librarians, How to make full use of our product for publishers. There will also be some region and language specific sessions.