Be a part of Access Lab 2025

After a fantastic 2024 event, we are currently making preparations for our 2025 event, so watch this space! In the meantime, there are many ways in which you can be a part of Access Lab 2025. If you would like to suggest a topic area, submit a session proposal or sponsor the event, please fill in the form below.

Group of three people sat in a library

You can submit proposals for plenary talks, panel debates, roundtable discussions and case studies. Some topics for this years’ conference include:

  • Demonstrating the value and impact of the library
  • Impact of climate change on library services
  • Impact of cost-of-living crisis on library budgets, doing more with less
  • AI/ machine learning
  • Privacy and browser changes
  • User experience and product UX
  • Open Access
  • Federated authentication/ seamless access
A group of three people sat around a sofa with a laptop laughing

Volunteer to help us shape our program

You can help us shape the program by volunteering on one of our program advisory groups. Two groups will meet online in different time zones, one in the AMER/ EMEA regions and the other in the APAC region. Contact our program lead Jane Charlton to find out more.

Contact Jane

Submit your topic idea or session proposal for Access Lab 2025

Submit your proposal by Friday 1 November 2024.

We will use your contact details to respond to your request.
View our privacy policy to find out more.

All required fields are marked with '*'

  • Session theme
  • Session type
  • Audience type
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Delegates at an event choosing sponsorship options on a notepad


Contact our senior events manager, Laura Bloomfield Hall, to find out more about the sponsorship opportunities available.

Contact Laura