Q. Do you need to keep on-site IP authentication?


Switching off on-site IP authentication will help futureproof your institution against piracy.

Also, it means you can receive the most granular authentication reports we offer. Your users will be prompted to log in once regardless of whether they are on or off-site. You can run reports down to an individual. Find out more about our reporting tool.

There is no need to manage two sets of links for on-site and remote authentication. A single Redirector link will take care of both access methods at the same time.

Redirector links are used for two reasons:

  • When used with IP bypass addresses, they allow your users to go directly to their chosen resource without entering their username and password.
  • They can also be used with link resolvers and portal tools such as library catalogs as they provide a static link you can use as a prefix for target URLs.

Users will be logged by IP address when on-site. When they are accessing from a remote location, more granular statistics are available.

We recommend adding your on-site IP addresses to the Redirector bypass zones. This allows you to bypass OpenAthens authentication at locations where the resources will allow access via IP authentication. Find out more about how to set up IP bypass and add your IP addresses.

Redirector links flow diagram

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