Service desk customer charter

Person using laptop with another laptop open

The support team at OpenAthens strive to deliver the best possible experience for our customers.

Two people sat smiling at one of the persons laptop

Our service

  • Our goal is to give you the very best service, from start to finish
  • There shouldn’t be any surprises, as we keep you in the loop so you know what to expect
  • We take ownership
  • We’re efficient and consistent
  • We’ll share with you how we are doing, and if we’re hitting the high standards that we set ourselves
Person on the phone for support

Our communication

  • We will keep things simple
  • We want to understand your line of work and how you use our products
  • When you get in touch with us, we won’t keep you waiting too long
  • Our updates will be useful and easy to understand, and we’ll make them a regular thing
Remote access to learning from home

What we need from you

  • Check to see if there is already an answer to your query in our documentation
  • Give us as much detail as possible so we can get going on your ticket straight away, and work with us until it’s done
  • Be mindful that urgent issues sometimes have to jump the queue, but we won’t forget about you…
  • …and issues which need outside help will naturally take longer to fix
QxMD and OpenAthens. using mobile

Talk to us…

Let us know how we are doing by giving us feedback, both good and bad, and tell us how we can be better

Person watching a webinar

OpenAthens service level agreement

Our SLA document aims to clearly explain the service levels OpenAthens will provide to all OpenAthens customers.

Download SLA

"We are always looking to provide the best possible service to our customers. I lead a fantastic team with a common goal of facilitating a great experience for customers when accessing OpenAthens’ support services."

Matt Olive, international service desk manager, OpenAthens
people laughing and smiling

Our story

OpenAthens has been providing remote access and authentication solutions for over 25 years. Used worldwide by over 2,600 academic, healthcare, corporate research libraries, publishers, and service providers to provide access to knowledge. We’re based in the UK and are a part of Jisc.

Read our story