Discover our new reporting tool for publishers

The service provider dashboard has brand new reporting functionality available to publishers and service providers. The new tool has been designed to collate granular data, helping you create custom reports, identify turn-away data, and provide valuable insights for your sales team.

Two people sat around a desk looking at a reporting tool displayed on a laptop

What are the benefits of our reporting tool for publishers?

  1. Time-saving

     No more researching and building different reports, collect all the data easily in one place. Build custom reports for specific time frames, configurable by application, customer, and country. Download reports in CSV format to use the data in other systems. 

  2. Promote customer growth

    Service provider reports are based on transfers to the platform and will show the data of those library users attempting to access the platform, both with and without a subscription in place. This is useful information for sales teams to gain insight on potential future subscribers, and target specific organizations with their sales efforts. 

  3. Snapshot views

    Obtain snapshot views of various metrics related to your customers’ authentication activity. This includes the number of federated transfers customers are sending to resources, as well as identifying the top countries responsible for sending federated traffic.

  4. User insights

    ScopedAffiliation allows service provider administrators to report on user type across all of their federated customers, bringing up relevant values as for example the proportion of federated transfers from students vs. from staff/faculty. 

  5. Resource breakdown

    Those publishers and service providers with resources broken down into multiple applications can gain insights into how federated traffic is distributed across different resources, allowing you to easily compare them.

Person looking at the reporting functionality on a laptop screen

Reporting functionality

  • Customer rankings: Snapshot view of your customers’ ranking based on the number of federated transfers they are sending to your platform
  • Geographic data: Snapshot of the top countries sending federated traffic to your platform
  • Privacy: We don’t collect Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
  • Downloadable CSV data points:  These include ScopedAffiliation data, offering deeper insights into user profiles, and country data, enabling segmentation by sales region. All reports can be downloaded in CSV format for further analysis
  • Detection of unusual activity: Daily data aggregation, providing more granular insights into user behavior
User experience. People working with laptop.

Keystone single sign-on

Millions of people can potentially benefit from the digital content you’ve created. Your job is to ensure they have the best user experience in accessing it. OpenAthens Keystone gives your customers simple and secure access to your online services, anytime and anywhere.

If you’re looking for a simple solution to federated single sign-on and want to move away from less secure IP-based access, OpenAthens Keystone provides the perfect solution.

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Find out more

This functionality is not yet available to publishers whose content is hosted by Atypon or Highwire. However, we will be soon able to extend this functionality to them. Keep an eye out for our product communications and don’t miss any updates!

Any other questions? Don’t worry! Our team is always happy to help with any doubts you might have. Contact your account manager for more information. 

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