OpenAthens Keystone – secure single sign-on made easy

OpenAthens Keystone gives your customers simple and secure access to your online services, anytime and anywhere.

Millions of people can potentially benefit from the digital content you’ve created. Your job is to ensure they have the best user experience in accessing it.

For those who are looking for a simpler solution to federated single sign-on or who want to move away from less secure IP recognition, OpenAthens Keystone provides the perfect solution.

Library users

Key features and benefits

  1. Improve your users' experience

    Users log on once via their home organization to access multiple online services, anytime and anywhere. Unique user IDs or attributes enable you to offer personalization so users can retain searches they made previously and build up a portfolio of information and intelligence specific to their requirements. You can also offer services based on individual roles or specific locations and groups.

  2. Make your content more secure

    Our service is ISO 27001 security standard compliant. We run penetration tests and manage the required metadata and certificates in the cloud, leaving you to focus on delivering the best user experience. Users only need to remember one username and password so they’re less likely to forget or write it down. And in the case of a license breach individual users can be blocked, which simply isn’t possible with IP recognition.

  3. Access a wider customer base

    The OpenAthens Federation is the only federation that allows organizations from any sector or country to join. This creates a diverse audience from academia and government to healthcare, engineering, pharmaceutical, and other corporate markets.

    OpenAthens Keystone enables entry into the OpenAthens Federation and national identity federations across the world. Hosted in multiple global regions, it provides a fast and reliable connection.

  4. Simple and easy to use

    You no longer need to wrestle with implementing and maintaining complex SAML-based solutions. Our cloud-based service gives you those SAML attributes via a new secure, lightweight protocol – OpenID Connect. OpenAthens Keystone supports native and mobile apps as well as web-based applications.  It is developer-friendly so requires fewer specialist skills to implement. Its’ simple user interface tools allow you to manage the login process hassle-free.

  5. Reduce your costs

    OpenAthens Keystone is simpler and easier to implement, saving you time and money on developer cost and ongoing maintenance on an open-source solution. You don’t need to manage user credentials as those are looked after by a user’s home organization. As a cloud-based service, you can also make efficiency savings on server space, energy consumption, and scalability.

  6. Comply with data protection

    OpenAthens Federation members sign up to our policy on the exchange of user data.  User identities are managed by your customers, helping you to comply with data protection legislation.

Two people sat around a desk looking at a reporting tool displayed on a laptop

Discover our new reporting tool for publishers

The service provider dashboard has brand new reporting functionality available to publishers and service providers. The new tool has been designed to collate granular data, helping you create custom reports, identify turn-away data, and provide valuable insights for your sales team.

How can our reporting tool help you?
User experience. People working with laptop.

IOP Publishing simplifies federated access with OpenAthens Keystone

How IOP Publishing has simplified and modernised the way it offers federated access to content, using the cloud-based OpenAthens Keystone service.

Read our IOP case study

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